Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Some days.

Some days are easier than others. Today wasn't one of those days. Today I wished I could drop my kids off with a babysitter. Today I missed "getting ready for the new school year." Today I yelled "FOR THE LOVE OF GOD SAUL STOP CRYING." Today I made Harper clean up a mess I know Saul made. Today I cursed Jeff's job for making him always work late and stay distracted. Today I fed both kids re-heated fish sticks and fries even though Harper asked for a peanut butter sandwich. Today I drank an entire pot of coffee by 10:45 a.m. and was still exhausted. Today I lied to Harper and told her when she saved up enough money she could buy herself a pet. Today I stopped doing laundry because I hate folding clothes. Today I told Mabel to just "stay asleep" cause taking care of a geriatric blind dog is taxing. Today the TV played... Channel 122... Disney Junior...


Some days I realize that even on my bad days... on days when I'm a terrible mother, chef, nurse, maid, teacher, organizer, dog-washer, barista, entertainer and friend...


It was just 1 measly day... and that... tomorrow's a new day and I have a chance to redeem myself and make good with the world again.

1 comment:

  1. You will never know how much I both relate & appreciate this post. I love this blog Courtney.
