Monday, July 22, 2013

I promise to catch up... one of these days... here's a start.

I promise I will start blogging about this journey soon. It's been so crazy lately that I just haven't had time to sit and type. I do want to share a moment from last night. First off, I don't want anyone to be fooled that this transition hasn’t had its challenges.  Like most everyone I tend to show the “all rainbows and butterflies” side of the story on social media. The fact is… ADA is only 17 weeks old and still learning. She’s doing amazing and has such incredible potential and is/(will be) a fantastic service dog. As she continues to “hone in” on her skills and we (humans and ADA) begin to understand each other a little better “alerts” will become clearer to us (humans).

With that said… Last night in typical fashion our house got CRAZY. The kids were wild. ADA was wild. Jeff and I were reaching our limits of sanity. I thought ADA was feeding off the kids. She was “bouncy” and “running” and refused to settle. Jeff even came in and said… “She’s like Tigger… she won’t stop jumping.” I took her out- I tried to walk her- eventually she calmed down… and laid down. At the beginning of the “crazy” I had glanced over at the MySentry… and saw he was 190. I remember thinking… okay… he’s fine.

Now… had I done – what I was supposed to do- I would have realized that ADA was not just “acting out” but actually trying to “alert.” When I finally realized…. almost 35 min later (which happened to be when I glanced over at the MySentry and saw 90 two arrows down) I checked him and he was 55.

I can’t explain it. I don’t fully understand the science behind it… and I know we’re in the process of “perfecting” it. But I can say… ADA is pretty amazing… and we are so thankful to have her in our family and taking care of Saul.

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