Thursday, March 1, 2012

Are you looking for love? (No Spoilers)

I have had, have, and will continue to have, relationships with books… and by relationships…  I mean deep, passionate, love affairs akin to that you experience with another human being.
There are those novels like “To Kill A Mockingbird” which I consider to be my partner for life-a book for which I named my first born…. “East of Eden” my guidance and parental support…. “Life of Pi” and “The Alchemist” my spiritual awakenings….  my lists are endless.
As you can see I categorize those which make “the cut” into special files.  I start with this explanation because I’ve spent the past 48 hours contemplating which mental folder to use for my latest read.
It’s become a running joke with Jeff and Mom (I allow them their chuckles) to make fun of me whenever I say “It’s my favorite” or “It’s in my top 10.” Apparently I have difficulty making cuts and I tend to change the criteria for getting cut on a pretty consistent basis.
Typically my all time favorite books are based on the length of time it takes me to read them… a mathematical equation created by my own brilliant mind…
E=(book) X p(#of pages) /time +(c) (creativity of title) -# of symbols =
okay… I give up. (This is why I majored in Liberal Arts not Math or Science which I do know as a fact … equates to a life of poverty… doesn’t take a math genius to figure that one out).
Sure “East of Eden” took longer than a week (that sucka is a chunk…. and I soaked in every single word and phrase… reading and then re-reading… so my equation doesn’t really work for this one). But generally books that I love I’ve read in days… the good ones…  in hours.
Which brings me to my latest love affair from one of my favorite authors-- John Green’s “The Fault in Our Stars.” I think I beat my all time reading record with this book. I’m pretty sure I read it in minutes… though ironically I’ve spent hours contemplating its contents. -I forgot to factor that in my equation….  What I like to call “the reflection factor” how long I spend thinking about the substance of a book.
Okay while I am a librarian, I am by no means a literary critic… so you can take this post for what it’s worth.  I will say however, this book has risen to the ranks of top 10 and I would currently classify it as my all time favorite love story…. Oh and by the way… I hate love stories… purposely do not read them… don’t offer me any of that Nicholas Sparks crap… just. can’t. do. it. This book is different.
For those of you unfamiliar with John Green – he writes Young Adult Fiction. I (pre)dreaded that class when finishing my LMS degree… who knew it would end up being my favorite and offer up a string of new relationships.
“The Fault in Our Stars” is more than a love story… it’s a “life” story. Tackling terminal illness, loyalty of love, the meaning of life… the concept of death… it’s pretty heavy stuff… deep… reflective, contemplative “stuff” yet it’s written for young adults…. for today’s youth… in the grittiest, most realistic, tragic sense.
I’ll admit… I cried…. a lot. I cried because (though I’m not dying from cancer)… I relate to Hazel Lancaster- even if I’m pretty sure I view myself as Augustus Waters… or maybe I long to be him and recognize deep down I’m really more of a Hazel. I know I’m an experience away from being Peter Van Houten… and maybe most  prophetic… I now experience the unconditional, unwavering love, loyalty and suffering that parents like Mrs. and Mr. Lancaster undergo.
If I’ve sparked your curiosity… good go get the book. If you need “real evidence” read reviews- they’ve all been positive.  I promise you … no matter what equation you use for determining whether a book is “good” or “bad,” no matter whether or not it makes your top 10 list…. the book will make you think… and really isn’t that what reading a good book should be all about? 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Courtney! Just wanted to let you know that I finished this book earlier this week and am in constant reflection. I loved it and echo everything you said in this post (which I read months ago). Thanks for the recommendation!
