Thursday, March 15, 2012

Sweet Solly with his Super Powers

EH and I are working on a story...

Once upon a time in a land far, far away there lived a little boy who had magical powers.
He was born during a time when many people were bitter and sour, angry and hateful, when people argued over silly things and often only thought of themselves. Before he was born his Mom and Dad sometimes wondered if they should bring a tiny, sweet boy into such an unpleasant world, but seeing as they really wanted a baby they decided it would be best.
At first everyone thought the little boy was like all other little boys… he played, and laughed and jumped and climbed but deep down his Mom and Dad knew there was something special about him. He was different from other kids.
Soon after the little boy turned one a terrible thing happened. He suddenly became very ill. He was rushed to the hospital and the doctor there looked at him and said…. “I think I know what’s wrong… I’m afraid I have to tell you… this boy is… too sweet.” He’s got too much sugar in him… his blood is like syrup… it’s making him very ill and we’ve got to work fast to get the sweetness out of him before it kills him.”
The boys Mom and Dad cried. They were so sad. How could it be? How could there be such a sweet boy at a time when everyone else was so bitter and harsh?
The doctor sent the little boy home and told his Mom and Dad the treatment… they had to remove the sweetness from him. So they took the little boy home to rest and worked hard to take care of him.
People from everywhere started hearing the story of this sweet little boy.  They started calling… and asking questions and wanting to know things like… how did it happen? How did he get so sweet? Is he still sweet? Can he still eat sweets?
As the little boys Mom and Dad talked about him and his sweetness and showed pictures of him and his sweetness an amazing thing started to happen.
It was then that the sweet little boy’s magical powers took hold. Almost immediately his sweetness had an incredible effect on individuals. People he’d never met, folks he’d only seen maybe once or twice… started feeling just a wee bit sweeter themselves. This pleasant, lovable, amazing little boy was using his “sweet powers” to make others become just a tiny bit kinder… a wee bit nicer.
At first his Mom refused to believe it. How could her itty bitty little boy have such a big effect on so many people…. But day after day she received calls and messages, notes and stories.  She saw the effect of his magical sweet powers and could not resist… she started to smile more, and she noticed others smiling more. 
And just like that people everywhere started doing nice things and nicer things… random acts of kindness… all because of one sweet boy.

EH is working on the accompanying pictures.... to be posted soon. haha.


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