Saturday, February 4, 2012

When all else fails…. blame the iPhone (an apology letter)

Dear iPhone
Please except my greatest apology. I knew it was wrong the minute I said it. I should have never put blame on you. It was just when put under pressure and scrutinized as to why I had not gotten up two hours earlier to do Saul’s glucose check ... I panicked. I had to think of a quick scape goat, unfortunately I used you. Please forgive me.
Let’s be friends again.
P.S. Thank you. I appreciate you allowing me to set your timer 15 minutes ago for the re-check of Saul’s lowest level yet.


  1. Okay… okay Rice Milk... I know you expect a Thank You letter now for brining Saul's levels to 96. I appreciate you and all your carbohydrate goodness but it’s 4:50 a.m. and I’m tired.

  2. Courtney~ Praying for you and your sweet family. I can not even imagine having to deal with that on top of regular everyday crazy motherhood.
