Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Sheeew. Enough of that depressing crap already. I mean... seriously.

Okay where did Courtney Grimes go? And who has been writing these god-awful depressing posts?
Okay… I think I’m back. Maybe. At least for now.  Minus the melancholy.  Because…. *drum roll* we’ve had 2 great days of prrreettttyy good numbers (a little too high here… a little too low there) but overall Saul is starting to “act” like typical Saul again - which makes me breathe a deep, deep sigh of relief (at least for the time being)…. Nights are still... "a little rough"- I’m not gonna lie. But hey…  let’s deal with one issue at a time.
Valentine’s Day was a huge hit at our house. It seems as if my new changed attitude has allowed me to enjoy not just one day of “lovin” but I do believe we’re going on three days of “surprises and treats” from special friends and family.
Our good friend Avery sent Saul a totally awesome fireman’s coat along with a pretty cool firetruck book. She sent Harper two of MY favorite books (Ladybug girl) which are now EH's fave's. Mrs. Nancy sent some rockin stickers (a huge HIT with Harper) “How DID SHE KNOW these are my FAVORITE CANDIES TOOOOOOO!!!!!” Grandma surprised us with a big ole package of V day goodies including a “BALL BALL BALL BALL” (Saul’s new favorite toy). Then today the world’s largest edible arrangement arrived packed with fruit, fruit and more fruit topped with balloons, and even had a box of “special chocolate dipped & covered fruits.” Thanks Papaw!
As if all that weren’t enough! The mother-load of goodness hit around 2:30 pm with a nearly 3 tub drop off of the absolute most adorable kids clothes ever.  I am still a bit overwhelmed and awe-struck by the cuteness of these clothes- nothing like my kiddos getting hand-me-downs to pull me out of the ultimate depressive slump.
Dare I say at the moment... maybe Dr. Irene was right after all....
Instead of some long winded saga full of drama and despair-  I leave you today with a few photographic takes of “normalcy."

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to see smiles on those faces! To quote Churchill, "Keep Calm and Carry On." Hope all are doing well!
