Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Taming the Beast

I somewhat feel guilty for being glad things got worse… I had really started to doubt myself after Saul’s BG levels miraculously started leveling a few weeks ago- couple that with an “excellent health report” from Dr. Irene and night upon night of endless, glorious, uninterrupted SLEEP… and I started thinking…  “Maybe we jumped the gun?” “Are things really bad enough for me to take an entire year off?” “Perhaps I could go back to work in a few months… say Oct?” and then… as spontaneously as things “had” improved… things “returned to the normal” we’ve grown accustomed too since the day of diagnosis - the never ending drama of constant ups and downs, the blips of “too high” highs and “too low” lows. As if this wasn’t reassurance enough… I felt even better when Sebulsky said last night out of the blue… “We’ve made the right decision.”
So since I practically vomit out my life on FB I have little to add to what I already discussed about yesterday’s hypo nightmare. If you’re living a life of neglect and do not use FB… here’s a recap.
After changing out Saul’s insertion site and CGM sensor we sat down to lunch. I did a half-A job of counting carbs and “guesstimated.” Because he’d been running so high, and because we bribed him with candy during CGM insertion,  I erred on “over” bolusing for lunch.
He lays down for nap. Harper goes to sleep on couch. 20 min later he’s still awake. I hear a thwap then a thunk then chuckles. I peek through the door and find CGM sensor & transmitter laying on the floor… he’d pulled off the tegaderm, ripped out his CGM and flung it across the bedroom floor. Most concerning is not the fact that he did it… but rather that it cracked him up… I fear he may find this form of entertainment so delightful that we’ll have to duct tape the sucker to him… At any rate I laid him back down and shut the door.  
An hour  or so later I was abruptly woken by a shrill, blood-curdling scream . Harper jumped up and said “I’ll go check on him.” A few minutes of silence went by (a rarity around here) and I actually thought that maybe… just maybe… he’d either gone back to sleep or they were quietly playing with stuffed animals.
I walked in to find Saul still lying down, red, sweating and totally lethargic.  His body was limp and he was unable to sit up. I immediately ran to get his meter – I actually thought he was headed towards DKA… since his numbers had been so high. Instead I was shocked to find his BG at 50. I again left Harper with him in the crib and got his juice. Because he was unable to sit up I had to literally open his mouth and squeeze the juice in. It was gone in a matter of seconds. Typically he comes “out of it” after the first sip or two… starts perking up… this time he remained lifeless. I ran back for more juice… thinking maybe I should grab the glucagon just in case. I resisted the urge to poor more sugar down calmly telling myself… wait… wait the 15 min… At which point I re-checked his BG to find he’d dropped to 45.
I won’t lie… at this point I was pretty scared. I ran back and grabbed another juice, a pack of fruit gummies and the pushpop we’d lured him with earlier. Amazingly… after all that sugar intake in only 30 min or so… his BG was still just 91- which is considered low for him.
It was on the 3rd juice box that I got him to sit up. By the 3rd or 4th gummy I could get him to talk to me. By the time he’d made his way to the pushpop he was throwing cars at the fish tank… at which point I let out a huge sigh of relief.
I have replayed the entire scene in my head several times thinking things like … what could I have done differently… what needs to be in his bedroom in an emergency kit in case this happens again… I need to teach Harper how to dial 911 and what to say, I need to teach Harper how to give him juice if this happens again, I need to teach Harper how to check his BG… Is it too much pressure on her to act as my emergency contact person… she is after all only a mere 4 years old.
If you know her- you’d probably say no. She was pretty amazing yesterday-   and the fact that I relied on her to stay with him while I ran to get stuff says a lot. I said Harper just keep talking to him and hold his hand. While certain events are still blurry to me… I do remember vividly how funny she was… she said “Solly… you just listen to me little buddy… Once upon a time… there were Little Einstein’s…”
A few months ago I would have lost it. Ended up calling 911 and had an ambulance on its way… but I channeled some “get your crap together Grimes mojo” and just pushed the sugar. I don’t really get those sayings I see all over pinterest… the “Stay Calm and ______________” sayings… however yesterday I kept repeating… stay calm and cram sugar… stay calm and cram sugar… lol. Maybe I’ll jump on the “stay calm” bandwagon.

Don't worry... I didn't document in the midst of a diabetic emergency... this was the aftermath... pump suspended, candy everywhere, empty juice boxes... lancets and meters... I thought it kinda "nicely summed things up" lol.

I just realized this is an incredibly boring, poorly written post.
Should. Stop. While. I’m. Ahead.
But will end on this note.
I saw this in a book last week and I couldn’t agree more.
I'll admit it.
I used to be one of “those” people.
I used to think… “Diabetes Smiabetes what’s the hoopla?”
Then I see what the beast can do…..
However… recently… instead of being afraid of the big D beast I’ve come to a point where I’m feeling kinda motivated to kick some big D beast butt… I’m cleaning it clean for you Mom.  
I cue the music in my head
I close my eyes
I slap on my gloves
I gobble some egg yolks
Okay… I won’t lie… I’ve never even watched a Rocky movie… but today seems like a good day to start. 

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