Saturday, June 23, 2012

Friday "Filler" {scratch that} Saturday "Sickies"

Written on Friday, June 22 1:00 pm
So I really wanted to sit down and continue with the riveting saga from yesterday… an ode to clean clothes and fresh linens… or even start a new post about our overly exciting errand adventures this morning… nothing like dragging along 2 cranky kids to 4 different “non-kid friendly” establishments…
Yet each time I’ve attempted to sit down for more than 5 seconds someone or something from somewhere is requiring my attention.
So we’ll see how far I get with this one today.
Grandma (to EH & Solly) Mom Sebulsky (to me) got us this really cool “money counting” jar thingy a few years ago. 

"The counting money jar thingy"
I’m a sucker for “As Seen On TV” crap… especially around the holidays and I gotta say… her gift has been uber cool and def. used. Harper (and now Saul) love sticking coins in it especially cause they get to watch it “add all up.” and it shows them the total. I keep it sitting out in the laundry room and we’ve been randomly putting coins in it for a while.  Harper knows it’s our “shared” bank so generally when she finds any money she runs to her own piggy bank… which is why I was surprised to glance over and see we’d reached a whopping $50 while in the midst of my “washing spree” the other day.
Although it says $50.00 we actually came home with $51.74. The little money counting dude who lives in the lid musta made an error.

I figured we better go ahead and cash it in… especially since we’ve got a busy weekend ahead of us.
Saul ready to roll...

Harper so excited she was actually "taking pictures" of our her money jar

I knew Harper was excited about going to the bank for $$.... until she got out and saw this massive spider... then I witnessed "real" excitment. Unfortunately we didn't have our bug jar with us in the van. She was very disapointed by that.

She begged me to pour the coffee out of my coffee mug and use it as a "bug holder. I agreed to take 500 pics with my phone instead.

One of "Mommy's old kids" who helped us at the bank. Thanks Ashley!! I miss you!!

And as if spotting a giant amazon spider and walking out with $50 cash wasn't enough.... Ashley hooked us up with some sucker action!

* Stopped writing/adding a ridiculous amount of pictures on Friday, June 22 1:00 pm (coincidently to answer that previous question)... this is how far I got… lol

I’ll add in a little “Mom of the Year” stuff for your enjoyment… I stopped here because I got tired of yelling screaming at Harper to GO TO SLEEP. I think I might have even added a whispered “freaking” in between the YELLED “TO” and “SLEEP” several times. She tried napping on two different couches in two different locations and on 2 different recliners before she ended up on the floor.... finally after suggesting to lock her in the closet or tie her to the train table I just gave up and pacified her by saying screaming …. Just go in the playroom… get a stack of books and DON’T TALK TO ME FOR 15 MINUTES!!!!!! She was good and quiet for all of 35 seconds.

She was sooo sooo sooo sooo sooo excited that she couldn’t sleep… couldn’t rest… couldn’t nap… couldn’t STOP TALKING TO ME ABOUT IT… our “special girls only night out Margret Dean.”

She had already picked out her dress, shoes and panties… combed her hair (a huge feat for her) and decided what she’d have for dinner and snack later at the movies.  She’d been preparing for this night for DAYS....

Here she is with her "Brave app" which is actually REALLY cool... cause it reads the story to you... which means... maybe I'll get a free 3-4 minutes of peace.

… anticipating the pure joy of
1. Seeing MD
2. Talking and playing with MD
3. Eating & playing at Chic-fil-A with MD
and finally…
4. Going to the “real fe-at-er to see Brave with MD”
The night started off perfect with plenty of giggling, singing and scary story telling on our way to Lex.

Harper non-stop talking

MD non-stop talking

We continued the excitement with nuggets and the good ole indoor playground

Thanks Britt for the pic! btw... we cracked up at the little dude in the background

… even made it to the movies on time with twizzlers and popcorn in hand…..
MD, EH & Merida

And through the first half hour of the movie….
She got a little weird… whispering to me during the movie “Mom… I need an icecube for my head.” Of course I laughed her off and was like… “huh?... all the while shoving another twizzler down her gullet.” A few minutes later she wanted to sit on my lap… (this was the real tell-tell sign) this was followed by “Mom I gotta go potty” and then “Mom my head realllllllllly hurts” and then “Mom my belly feels weird” at which point I started texting Sebulsky to say {… umm... get ready to come save me from a nightmarish vomit-diarrhea disaster that inevitably will take place ANY… FREAKING… SECOND…}
She cried when I told her Jeff was coming and said… just let me close my eyes and stay with MD in the movie… which she did… and slept… through a good ¾ of the movie… that I continued to watch and enjoy… (another crowning “MOTY moment.”)

Suffice to say we made it safely home (to a plagued house of illness nonetheless) with little buddy running a 101 temp – nice, whiney and clingy… and Harper checking in at 102.4

Two sick sad Sebulsky's

Sebulsky &  I dosed them kiddos up, covered the house with as many towels and sheets as possible and promptly put them both to bed.
Fortunately we made it through the night… sans bodily explosions.
Unfortunately we haven’t been so lucky through the day today.
Harper is devastated because our Cincinnati outing has been postponed…
However between bouts of running to the potty and sipping on ice-pops we’ve managed to squeeze in a few good games of Candy Land.
I’m off to run YET another load of laundry… folks I’m telling ya… I live an exciting life

Oh… and please keep your fingers crossed and say a little prayer for Saul… he can’t afford to get this… and if he does… someone please supply me with ample weaponry… i.e. plenty of insulin, Lysol, and diapers… oh and several boxes of wine for my sanity.

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