Thursday, February 2, 2012

Because a FB status should not be your diary entry

But hey.... you can write whatever you want on a blog. I have blogged on an off for a number of years- mostly personal sometimes work-related. This morning I decided to start a new blog about a new subject since its a new day and I'm a new person. We'll see how this all pans out. Right now I feel like winging Thomas trains and barbies at someone.... guess it's better to type than to go to jail.


  1. It most definitely is :) Have you tried Tumblr? I love it muchly :) But I might come to blogspot for a writing blog... We shall see :)

  2. Oh there are days that I'd love to fling a few things or take them outside and get on the lawn mower. ;) I can only imagine your days...mine are very hectic and I don't have the diabetic toddler or a blind hound dog...I just have a very inquisitive pre-schooler, a high energy independent toddler that doesn't listen for anything and then a normal playful dog.

    I'm sure you are adjusting very well (better than most) although I know it has got to be very hard and overwhelming. It's always good to have an outlet no matter what it is. :)
