Friday, February 3, 2012

Bad things come to those who read...

Dr. Irene took both my hands in hers and clasping hard, staring at my face she said, "promise me, whatever you do... don't get on the forums and only go to the websites I've given you." I nodded and smiled knowing that occasionally I might just slip up and happen to come across a few as I was searching for info on the internet.

"My sister died in a diabetic coma." "My son was hospitalized for 4 days for high blood sugar levels." "The school nurse forgot to administer her dose of insulin after her snack."

I understand now why Dr. Irene was so adamant. I'm realizing that just like there's an acceptable range of blood sugar levels for Saul, there's an acceptable range of information I should have access to in regards to diabetes.

Not only do I need to monitor Saul's levels... I need to monitor myself every now and then.

1 comment:

  1. The internet is all doom and gloom when it comes to health issues. Sore throats = cancer, Being 35 and pregnant = miscarriage. I know it's tempting, but stay away from Dr. Google. He is evil.
