Monday, October 15, 2012

Oh you know... Just a Monday Ramble.

I’m not sure if it was Mabel’s passing, crappy weather, or just a stint of the “blah’s” whatever the case- last week can best be summed up as “ugh.” I ended Friday night in the fetal position on the recliner… okay okay… not really… but the thought was tempting.

I had zero energy. Zero creativity.  I had 2 nights of sleeping through Saul’s 3 a.m. BG checks. Friday morning Saul was in DKA. I don’t have it confirmed by a medical professional- but I also don’t need the confirmation because I saw it with my own eyes.

According to the MySentry he ran in the 400 for at least 6 hours… whatever the cause - (kinked tubing? old insulin?) who knows… I nearly passed out when his ketone check was 3.3.

He was a beast. Oh… friends… when he’s high… he’s such a beast. And now that he’s learning to verbalize (which is what I've been wanting all along) … I find dealing with his highs and lows way more emotional (for me) -  instead of just screaming or crying… He actually uses angry, hateful words…. On Friday morning as I was attempting to pump fluids and insulin in him - he was swatting at me screaming “NO MOMMY! NO MOMMY!”  

It was all I could do... to keep myself from envisioning a “future me” wrangling a “future” 17 year old man-boy to the ground and forcing him to comply to my treatment demands… “Oh you’re gonna get this insulin punk… whether you want it or not … cause… “ I’M YOUR MAMA… and you don’t MESS WITH YOUR MAMA!!!!”””

I know it’s difficult when you’re diabetic and you go through these hypo and hyper episodes… I’ve heard/read about and witnessed (not just with Solly) so many T1’s not being fully aware of the behaviors they are exhibiting during highs and lows…. It still doesn’t make it any easier for me. During 2 of Saul’s “hyper” episodes last week I bolused a correction of insulin gave him fluids and then left him lying by himself in his crib… because that’s what he was demanding. Every offer to hold him, carry him, cuddle him, move him to the couch, recliner to watch TV or sit quietly was met with “NOOOOO!!!!” “ME BED!!!!!!!!” “NO MOMMY!!! NO MOMMY!!!” So I would patiently wait outside his bedroom door for Bruce Banner to make his appearance again and for The Hulk to disappear so that we could once again resume our daily lives.

I won’t lie… I would much rather treat lows than highs…. Even though the lows are scarier… a bit more dangerous… def. more urgent… treating highs is just flat out exhausting.

Our house continues to seem quieter with Mabel’s absence. 

While I know Saul’s DAD is not pet and will not be a pet… it has given us all something to look forward to, think about and anticipate.  Sebulsky and I have been trying to out-do each other on the clever scale… thinking up names for our DAD. Most service dogs are given “special names” sometimes related to their line of work. A lot of the great ones have already been used…. “Siren” “Radar” “Meter” “BG” “Tracker.” Jeff came up with one that we both really loved… but Saul has trouble saying it… so we put it on a “maybe” list. However- out of the blue this afternoon - I thought up the bestest name ever. Sebulsky has since confirmed that I am currently in 1st place and we do, indeed have a “winner.” Since the boys are sleeping I can’t get Saul to practice saying it… so we’ll have to wait and see how it comes out of little Sollys mouth first before declaring success. Meanwhile, Harper insists on calling the dog “Leslie.” I’m not sure where she heard that name- or why she likes it… but she’s renamed all her stuffed animals that, and the random 3 hour pet turtle we kept in the yard a few weeks ago, and she anticipates naming her “future bird” Leslie… All I can think about is that crazy white-haired guy who used to make those stupid movies with O.J. Simpson… wasn’t his name Leslie?

Oh… and back to Harper… Saul (much to Sebulsky’s dismay and disapproval) calls her “Sissy” actually it’s more like “Tissy” which I think is cute… Jeff… not so much so. During Saul’s last site change (after the 2nd change out in 24 hours) he started crying and then demanding “NO TISSY DO IT” “TISSY DO IT” when it came to inserting the needle. I asked Harper if she wanted to try and she said… “ah… I better just hold his hand.” Which she did… and then wiped the little drops of blood from his old site with a tissue, then gave his 25 hugs and kisses, then sat with him on the couch and watched and episode of “Little Einstein’s” she’s seen 35 times. While she is a bit rotten, a little mischievous, a lot manipulative and way to smart for her own good…. Most of the time she’s a pretty good “Tissy.”


I’ve officially rambled way more than publically allowed.

So… here’s to a better week…

I hope we can all find more laughter than tears and more smiles than frowns.




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