I'm not a runner- never have been (even though I've often fooled myself with short stints of pretending).
Last night while attempting to get a few hours of shut eye between BG checks I kept thinking about myself (and eventually Saul) doing the "diabetes distance."
That's the thing about chronic illnesses... you're in for the long run. Stamina, endurance and strength are what it takes when you're competing against auto-immune disorders like diabetes.
If I were a runner I definitely would never chose distance running. In my mind, short and fast seem like a much better option. I'm not saying a disease like cancer would be better but at least with these types of illnesses you know what the goal is- you fight hard, give it your all, try and beat it with as much power and speed as you can.
I've never been good at sticking with things. I'm more of a firecracker (explode onto the scene) then fizzle pretty quick. I'm great with "big ideas" good with "short term projects" but typically lose interest in things that take time and real effort ("time" being the key factor).
I pride myself as a "dabbler" I like to sample, try and experience everything but never really gain expertise in any one area. I would never use the adjective "stamina" as a descriptor for myself. I guess that’s why I changed my major 6 times as an undergraduate... why in my lifetime I've pretended to "be" so many different things.
Last night however, I realized that diabetes is changing me... taking me from the short to the long run. I can't fizzle out. I need to maintain. I need to keep pace. I need to go the distance. I need to do this for myself but also as modeling for Saul. I will soon pass the baton to him and while I'll run beside him for quite a while he will quickly develop his own stride and learn how to keep pace himself.
If you're a betting person... I'd tell ya to throw down a few $$ on Saul. No doubt this kid is gonna come in 1st place. He's got crowd filled stadiums cheering him on.
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