Thursday, May 9, 2013

Can only mean one thing...

Sometimes I wish I could write and post stuff as "the real me." 

I'm always censoring myself... I know some of my audience is younger and quite a few more would be totally offended by things I might say. It's the reason I have such a lame title to this post... I've got a much better one in my head... But I'll keep it there for now and spare you. 

I'm blogging from my iPhone at 2:15 am which can only mean one thing... 

No I'm not up sneak-eating frozen waffles. 

I have a serious love-hate relationship with Saul's Medtronic CGM. At this point in the game I would never "not" have him wear it (despite the god-awful process of insertion) and if anyone ever asks me... Should I wear one? Does it work? Is it useful? Worth it? I'm quick to answer with "Yeses."  

It is however, just a device. A technological tool that while useful- sometimes fails. And when it does fail... when it lets me down, when it seems like such a hassle, like a waste of time and effort and energy... I have to stop and remind myself... It's all you've got and its better than nothing. 

I woke up to the alarm of "FALL RATE."  I quickly check (after a bad low of 47 last night -can't take any chances). 

CGM reading... 127 (two arrows down). I run and grab his meter... check him... 

He's 258 (high blood sugar). 

Okay, so sure I'm thankful. I'm glad I'm  not up dealing with a low. I know at least I'll go back to sleep after posting this- had his CGM been accurate and had he truly been crashing... It would have been time for a pot of coffee and bad late night re-runs. 

Technology is awesome.... until it fails you. 
Sure there are folks out there managing diabetes care with minimal resources- the old "teacher chalk board and chalk method." It's what they know- what works for them- I get it. 

For now- till we get another tool in our tool box- I'll deal with the frustrations and limitations of today's modern technology. 

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