I’m not sure if it’s the sleepless nights or mundane routine of the days that has left me uninspired over the course of the past week or so. Instead of sitting down to the computer I’ve been stepping up to the treadmill in a desperate attempt to “escape” the insanity while shedding those extra 11 pounds I’ve accumulated over the course of the last 2 months. One too many "extra" Eggo’s…..
I suppose that is one of the perks of being a stay at home Mom (the extra Eggos that is). I’ve actually debated filming my own commercial…
“Hey I’m Courtney I like my Eggo’s with cinnamon and sugar… I should probably not eat 4 or 5 each morning in front of my diabetic toddler but hey… they’re so good I just can’t stop!”

Not sure my mad film making skills would bring in the extra dollars needed around here… but hey I’m willing to give it a shot.
So speaking of sugar and shots (cue rim tap on the drum)
Saul's been getting quite a few lately (shot's that is). Day’s have been rough- nights rougher… I thought we’d be over the roller coaster of up’s and down’s… thought things would be calmed down and evened out… but… instead life goes and throws curve balls at me like… teething… and the common cold… both of which have sent Saul’s body into a ridiculous mess of soaring highs and nose-diving lows. Which in turn sends me into a spiraling depression because “when will this ever end?” and then I realize “oh… wait… it won’t, until he’s like… umm… 25… okay who am I kidding… it will never end cause I’m going to worry about this for the rest of my life” and then I get all self conscious like this is all I ever talk about with people and blog about and start thinking to myself “Okay… people get it. Your kid is diabetic. Wah. So you’re dealing with some crap right now… get over it and tell some funny stories to make people laugh.”
Except that I don’t have any funny stories... and no one wants to hear stories like this....
I thought about taking pictures of Solly’s pee spots… that might grant a chuckle or two… but I fear I’d run off even more folks from my house and since becoming a recluse that the last thing I need to do.
(See... this is my new look... the "recluse" haven't you seen everyone "pinning" it on their boards?
(See... this is my new look... the "recluse" haven't you seen everyone "pinning" it on their boards?
So back to Saul peeing... Saul pees so much (an effect of the highs) I’ve debated the idea of plastic clothes. Note to readers: DO NOT google clear plastic clothes… seriously. I’m warning you…. Don’t do it… and if you do… those are defiantly NOT the kinda pant’s I’m talking about. I’ll probably have nightmares over some of the images I witnessed.
And speaking of nightmares (wait for it… wait for it… okay no rim tap this time)
Saul has been having freakish night terrors- like demon possessed- bite my ear off- arms flailing-hysterical thrashing night terrors. They think his high numbers at night are the culprit (well that and maybe one too many) nightly episodes of “Little Einstein’s.” Hey.... if the Eggo commercials don’t pan out…. I could always turn to the nightmare/thriller movie biz.
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