Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Adventures in Babysitting

“But I SWEAR…. I’m GREAT with KIDS! They love me… kids LOVE me.”


I had this dream the other night where I was sitting in an interview and I found myself passionately arguing the above phrase to folks who appeared to be my apparent (and what I considered to be *in a desperately hopeful/please God give me this job/It’s what I was destined to do/I need money… please… the money) future employers.

Sure… I woke up and immediately started dissecting.

*Is it a sign?

*Am I re-defining myself?

*Missing my kiddos at school?

*Am I having single-income nightmares?


Flash forward to this morning.

You know… a typical morning filled with this.

And this.

Wonderful moments of learning, growth & development that I get to witness in not just my child- but another as well… doubly blessed.

And then.


I go to the bathroom.


For 2 seconds.


Make that 3… cause I stupidly decided to “tidy up” (aka hang up a towel).


I hear Saul… “Uh-oh Mommy…. Uh-oh.”


I open the door and find that Saul is now sporting (a failed mind you) purple paint goatee.

I walk into the kitchen and find Trip wedged between the table and chair helping himself to a bag of pretzels (oh… and also adorned in some warrior-like face paint) (and… now sporting some lovely dyed purple hair).

 I see this… which will no doubt cause a meltdown of epic proportions when discovered by Harper… and before you think… or say it… she will find out. She’s that kid.

I see this (though I’m sure you’ll agree with me that the spilled paint is small fries in comparison to the amount of dog hair on that slip cover- so yeah… maybe that was a good thing).


And best yet…

There’s my poor, sweet Daisy girl.
Head hung low, tail tucked… embarrassed to be associated with the culprits… clearly a victim in this case.


Me: “Boy’s… WHO DID IT?”

Trip: “Sauce.” (aka Saul)

Saul: in a quiet, sad tone “meeeeee…….”

Me: “Trip did you have any part in this?”

Trip: “I’s eattin Mommy… I’s eattin.”

Saul: “is meeee… Mommy… is meeeee”


Ah… if only we retained our innocence and ability to accept and admit fault throughout adulthood.


But really… I swear… I’m great with kids… really… I am…

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