Wednesday, November 21, 2012

November... You've been a bust.

And WV... Well... so far, so have you.

I've written before about the contentious relationship I have with my native home state.

All it takes is a walk through one of the local ER waiting rooms for me to start remembering why I left this all behind.

In the 19 hours I've been here I've witnessed an old, wheel-chair bound, cane-carrying-grandpa screaming profanities at the top of his lungs... Because "$&@*# I ain't waiting any $&@#* LONGER $&@*#"

I dodged the madness (literally) the crazy cussing geriatric swung his cane right at me... And as I passed through, I couldn't help but notice, and feel terribly sorry for the "Sea of sick people" who not only "looked" sick... but "sad" "poor" "dirty" and "hopeless."

My text to Sebulsky "Dear God I'm in that SNL skit "Appalachian ER."

Later as Mom and I were leaving we witnessed what appeared to be the "kin" of some deliverance folks... walking the parking lot. The woman wearing a hospital gown and dirty robe shot me death stares as I rolled my eyes at her "shoeless" feet.

Seriously? Seriously? You're walking the hospital parking lot barefoot? Is that legal?


The best...

I'm currently sitting here in the hospital room with Dad "snooping" on the neighbors... Because... What else can you do for hours upon end in a hospital room.... When I hear...

"Y'all I'm telling ya... There's days I miss the teeth... But LAH ZEE I sure ain't missing that brushin"

At which point I looked up and smiled at her and she shot me a toothless grin.


  1. Kin can write stuff like this about kin... Anyone else talk smack on WV I get offended... But here I go and post this.

    But seriously... Is there any wonder why we are made fun of?
