With that said… Last night in typical fashion our house got CRAZY.
The kids were wild. ADA was wild. Jeff and I were reaching our limits of sanity.
I thought ADA was feeding off the kids. She was “bouncy” and “running” and
refused to settle. Jeff even came in and said… “She’s like Tigger… she won’t
stop jumping.” I took her out- I tried to walk her- eventually she calmed down…
and laid down. At the beginning of the “crazy” I had glanced over at the
MySentry… and saw he was 190. I remember thinking… okay… he’s fine.
Now… had I done – what I was supposed to do- I would have realized
that ADA was not just “acting out” but actually trying to “alert.” When I
finally realized…. almost 35 min later (which happened to be when I glanced over
at the MySentry and saw 90 two arrows down) I checked him and he was 55.
I can’t explain it. I don’t fully understand the science
behind it… and I know we’re in the process of “perfecting” it. But I can say…
ADA is pretty amazing… and we are so thankful to have her in our family and
taking care of Saul.
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